HID Work Lights
Whether you're doing ag work, construction, paving a street, or simple excavation, bolt-on work lighting is the best way to add more lighting
to your work area. Since the lighting is mounted on
your equipment, it moves where your equipment moves and is always where
you need it!
Main features of our HID lighting:
- Our HID work lights are designed to operate on both 12v and 24v machines.
- Constructed of ABS plastic, they can take a few bumps without getting dented, cracked, or broken.
- They have a waterproof IP rating of 67 so you don't have to worry about water affecting them.
- The ballast is mounted internally so the light can withstand the elements day in and day out.
- Installation takes 5 minutes Simply remove your old light, bolt in ours, and give it power and ground.
- Our lights operate at 35w with an amp draw of 2.9 amps at 12v and 1.5 amps at 24v
- All our HID lights output approximately 3000-3200 lumens. The main difference is beam pattern.
- Service life is approximately 3,000 run time hours.
30% of customers purchase a Mix 'n Match 4-pack!
17% of customers purchase the 512w